Arizona Wests

Pics and short updates about our sort of boring life in Arizona. :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October 2009

Hi again! I'm keeping my promise and updating with October's photos on time. It's a miracle, I know. LOL! We had a great month but I'm behind on so many things I'm going to keep this short and get the pictures up for you. Enjoy!

Kylie & Collin's Arizona Virtual Academy had a park day this month. I took a couple of photos, but as usual should have taken more. :) Here are a few:

Listening to the welcome speech.

A very smart mom brought a box of kittens to try to give them away. We resisted. LOL!

Collin with his teacher, Ms. Owsley

Here is Tim painting Collin's face and Kylie painting her own face for Halloween!

We went to a friend's house to go trick or treating so I got a few photos here:

Girls in Costume (L to R: Peyton, Sammi & Kylie)

Collin & Jake

Whole trick or treating crew

As some of you may know, Kylie sent in a head shot and a full body shot of herself in a red cape to audition to be an extra on The Hillywood Show's New Moon spoof video. She was accepted so we go to Las Vegas in December for filming. I've been asked to upload her red cape photos so here ya go!

Back in August we went to the Twilight convention and I forgot to upload the photos here. So here is a picture of Kylie with The Hillywood Show since she got to meet them:


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